Wednesday, September 29, 2010

an euphonious is for life, not just xmas! Believe it or not it has to do with a pretty neat little income stream! Ask if you want to know! Take care all!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year all!!! We survived another year. So far our country is still united. I have lost family this past year and it reminds me of how fragile life is. I pray all of you a wonderful new year and may it hold all the possibility life has to offer. Until next time.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

I got a hard time the other day for saying no.

I got a hard time the other day for saying no. My friend and I were at little gas station about to go hunting in the morning when a man walked up to me and said "Sir, usually I bullshit people to try and get a buck or two, but see the truth is that I just came out of prison and I just wanna to eat." Now hopefully I haven't been labeled a "hard-ass" in your mind yet. See my thing is I was taught along time ago that if you feed a man he will be able to eat now, but if you teach a man to fish he will have food for the rest of his life!

Now my very close friend could see the whole situation, but not hear all that was said. I spoke the guy a bit. Asked him where he was from, when he got out, and what he wanted out of life; basic questions that I asked myself along time ago when I got out of prison. His answers saddened me and our conversation was brief, but it reminded me of the blessings I have in life. It also reminded me of why saying "no" was so very important in my life.

Allot of people in rough situations may or may not know how or why they came to be in whatever situation it is that their dealing with. A vast majority of people coming off of hard times in life have no idea of what direction to take! This, all to often, was the problem in the first place. When life presented them with two choices and while they knew a little about the dangerous one they knew nothing of the other! So even while only knowing a small portion of the danger involved they still chose to go down the path of the dangerous choice instead of saying "NO, I choose to take a chance."

I said no allot of times in life. In most times it was because of some type of danger. It was the same reason why I said no after I got out of prison. I said no to myself about taking the easy way. I said no to working a crappy job, taking the bus all the time, and continuously wanting or hoping for something to happen from nothing! Because you see, if I had said yes, then there was the real danger in life. I would have given up, maybe not then but soon after. Life would have thrown me another curve ball and that would have been it. Something, a bill or some trouble would have sent me over the edge...into drugs, more trouble with the law...suicide. Who knows?

Why am I writing this? Because out of all my mistakes in life none have been repeated. So in saying that some may inquire well then what happened? Why did you choose to do this or to do that? It's because all the while I wanted to make the right choices in life, I just didn't know how! No one educated me according to the choices that I had. No one decided to take the time and help me come up with questions that I could ask myself to help me determine which would be the better decision at the time in my life.

So, in closing that's the hope for this post. I don't know who reads this, if anyone will read this, but if you do and your having trouble deciding between something in life, please let me help. I don't know everything, can't know everything. Yet who ever the smartest man on earth may be he didn't get there alone! No one has to! If I don't know the answer I'll find it for you, or at least show you some awesome techniques as to how to go about finding out yourself!

Take care everyone!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Travelocity, Orbitz, and Priceline vs. TVI Express

What a title huh?! Well it's just that a title. I say that because I have just completed my necessary research. TVI Express blows them all outta the water when it comes to price, value, and flexibility.

Ease of use is also a plus, some of the aforementioned sites are a bit confusing and not too user friendly. TVI is a company based in the U.K. that just recently launched in the U.S. and is taking what we marketers have come to know as the norm and flipping it upside down and backwards!!

When and where has anyone heard of a company plan giving back up to 72% of every dollar back to its distributors?? Not to mention, by far the most amazing incentives I have ever heard of!! No revolving payments, nothing to purchase later in order for your business to come to fruition. Finally a good, honest company that helps you turn a one time investment of $250 bucks into $10,000 over and over again as many times as you can make happen!

When I did my research on this company I watched a video where Mr. Scott Arvin said something pretty realistic. He asked the question "Why don't more people travel?" and his answer is truth ringing home. He said "Cause they don't have the money!" That's a powerful answer; reason being is because all of us can relate!

I want you to relate to something that can change your life! Do you know two people? Two people that just like you can have the most self-rewarding experience of travel without fiscal restraint? Take a look at what TVI Express has to offer. Let me know if we can team up to give ourselves a reward!!

Thank you for reading! All comments are welcome, and positive thoughts will be taken as true blessing!! Thanks again.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I was told once to do what you love and the money will follow. I'm not sure who told me that or where I read it at. Doesn't really matter anymore. Reason being is I do something that is okay, not what I would call a passion. However it does pay the bills as they say. Too bad parents can't have a salary just for being parents!

I have gone through so many changes since becoming a parent. When I take a few fleeting seconds to think of how I have changed it blows my mind at how I've changed and what characteristics I have acquired to do so! My kids are wonderful, and my wife is wonderful; and I love my life! I think Jerry McGuire has a guy on it saying something similar but its the best way I can put into words what I am trying to convey. Being a parent has forced me to look at life differently and with wiser eyes!

If your a parent hug your kids and tell them thank you for changing you for the better even if you can tell for yourself. If you don't have kids and want some then pray...and save your pennies! And, in closing if your waiting until your ready to have kids...then good luck, ha! Cause you will never be ready!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Incredible Start

Hello all! I've been away for a while, doing incredible research and learning so much about what I'm now referring to as " the Beast" mostly known as the Internet or the World Wide Web!!

I have learned about numerous ways to make money online. Now I know of many ways that are too good to be true, pyramid schemes or otherwise false in their major ways. But I have several business' that I have found to be true and amazing. Now also what I have learned in this world anything is possible! I have seen people take methods of generating revenue from websites completely rearrange them and turn an amazing profit! Yet still I have seen equally, people take quote on quote "tried and true" methods of all sorts of things related to an Internet business and fail miserably!! So what's the key then?! That is exactly what I will answer, but in a surprising way!

See what most have told me during my networking months is their own way of marketing a product to turn a profit; be it direct sales, or some type of affiliate marketing. And all whom proved themselves to have a legitimate business model made money. Lots of money, please let me not downplay this term as well, when I state the fact of these folks making money I'm am referring to Hollywood's idea of having money!! No slouching about these folks, they HAVE MONEY, okay!! But like I said, their business model. Key factor, because what I discovered is that there are numerous ways to make money online...numerous! Some legit, and most unfortunate side affect in having a portal that can tell you just about anything within minutes; my definition of true power!

Now your answer...see all of these models which made men rich are easy to find, and easy to copy with the right person to lead you! Some of these models like TVI and G.R.N. cost more than the average person would pay to start up in an online business. But few realize, as I did at first, that the money to be made is incredible compared to the start-up cost! And with the right mentor, the income possibilities are absolutely astounding!! But as with all success comes the decision first, and some have a hard time coming off of a thousand dollars for a business they have yet to experience. And still, there are avenues such as affiliate marketing that are for all intents and purposes 100% free to start-up! And I have met some people leading a very affluent lifestyle who do nothing more than affiliate marketing for their income. So then "Which one?" you may ask? The answer is simple...

The one you should try is the one that you are most comfortable with and the one that works for you!! See ALL of the great people I have met during these incredible months of travel have had many things in common most of which dealt with their personality and character, but in a strictly monetarily measured way they all shared with me that one common piece of advice. They said to me "You know Jude...(such and such) marketing worked for me, but what I advise is to find the one that works for you!"

So to all should read this post, that is what I pass on to you! Find the one avenue of generating wealth online that works for you! Sift through the myriad of choices and find the one that suites you and find the person with whom has a monetary investment in your success and you will have the money needed to live the life you deserve! Take care all until next time.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Online Entreprenuer

Merry Christmas everyone! I just picked up a new book today; "Mastering Online Research" -Maura D. Shaw. I'm sure it will do tremendous good in helping me with my online businesses. Allowing me to do better research for my writting as well! I have two business's at the for front of what I do as an online entrepreneur; Wealth Masters International being my primary, and GRN my secondary. As always I want all to have access to the new "Scam Busters DVD" which has helped many people desifer the good from the bad on legitimate businesses. So for more info on my new book stay tuned or by all means if you have anything to add please feel free. And for more on my business's take a look at my sight TVI Express/jurobelle and let me know what you think?! Until next time, have a good one!